Green Landscaping

The H-Forms system requires a fraction of resources used on conventional Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) landscape wall construction, and virtually eliminates waste.

H-Forms are manufactured with expanded polystyrene (EPS), a closed-cell, lightweight rigid-foam made from by-products of the refining of crude oil. EPS does not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or formaldehyde. Easily recycled, EPS is a commodity of high value for producers of recycled plastic. They are manufactured under strict EPA guidelines and tested periodically by UL.

H-Forms blocks have 1/3 to 1/4 of the embodied energy (required to mine, harvest, grow, manufacture, ship and unload material to a building site) of concrete masonry units (CMUs).

  • H-Forms are made of 100% recyclable material

    • Compared to forms, which are 15% recyclable

  • Lower freight fuel consumption

    • H-Forms ship at a fraction of the weight of CMU

      • A truckload of H-Forms = 3,500 lbs.

      • A truckload of CMU = 40,000 lbs.

  • Apart from the cement (+/- 15% by volume) and concrete (+/- 85%), the H-Forms system is mostly a local resource (sand, lime, aggregate, etc.)

  • Near zero site waste (recyclable or reusable)

  • Manufacturing out-gassing gets recycled as fuel for furnace

Additional Environmental Benefits:

  • Micro rebar is 90% recycled from auto scrap

  • Lower placement costs after disaster (concrete structure is left standing)

  • Reduced manual handling and injury

    • Less site-related injuries = Less workers comp. insurance

  • Fire resistant

  • The ICFs are EPS (Expanded Polystyrene), NOT Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)

    • XPS contains CFCs, H-Forms does not

  • Maintain our forests (save 50 trees on average for a 270 ft. x 6 ft. high sound wall)

  • 1/3 to 1/4 of the “embodied energy” of CMU

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